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My name is Amy Park. I originally was born in South Korea. I came to U.S. when I was 5 years old. Florida will be my eighth state I lived in. I lived in California, Arizona, Washington State, Georgia, Nevada, Virginia, Ohio, and presently in Florida. I traveled due to my previous job and my current job. I currently work for Amazon as a Work, Health, and Safety Specialist. I have been working for Amazon for seven years. Previous to working at Amazon, I was a flight attendant during 9-11 for Continental Airlines. After I worked for airline for about two years, I decided to join the military so I decided to enlist with United States Navy. After I got out of military, I went back to school to pursue a degree in sociology. I currently hold B.A. in Sociology. I worked as a behavioral health technician and was going to pursue a degree in Social Work but I decided not to after I've been exposed to the social work field. When I got into Work, Health, and Safety Specialist, I wanted to do something more with my career. That is when I decided that I wanted to go into Nursing Program. I love taking care of people and helping people and I believe nursing will give me that opportunity. I am very excited to start my new career and journey and I hope HCI will help me to pursue my goals and dreams.

1 answer

Hi Amy,

It’s great to meet you! Your journey is truly inspiring, and it’s incredible to see how diverse your experiences have been across different states and professions. Transitioning from being a flight attendant and serving in the Navy to working in health and safety at Amazon shows your dedication and adaptability.

I admire your decision to pursue nursing; it's a noble profession that makes a significant impact on others’ lives. Your background in sociology and behavioral health will surely provide a unique perspective in your nursing career.

Best of luck as you embark on this new journey with HCI—I'm excited to see where your path leads you!

Warm regards,
[Your Name]