Rephase and sound like 7th grade

Batter A will. Batter A put force behind his bat as said with the word swinging. But Batter B didnt put any force behind the bat.

Basic explanation:
If you put strength behind throwing something rather than just dropping it, it will go farther.

3 answers

Batter A swings the bat with a lot of power, while Batter B isn't really trying hard when he swings.

To explain it simply: If you throw something with strength, it will travel farther than just letting it drop.

do the same to this two The drumstick and the drum exert the equal amount of force. That force prevents the drumstick from going through the drum. The exert an equal amount of force in an opposite direction.

I cant rly explain this one with writing ur just gonna have to trust me on this one

The drumstick and the drum push against each other with the same amount of force. This is what stops the drumstick from going through the drum. They push against each other in opposite directions.

I can't really explain this one in words, so you just have to believe me on this!