Repair all fragments in the passage below. Make corrections clearly..

Many restaurant menus began to offer the hamburger sandwich. Which gained its real prominence in 1954. Through the efforts of Maurice and Richard McDonald. These two men owned a successful restaurant on Route 66 in California. It was a small restaurant. Decorated with two golden arches. A salesman named Roy Krok saw the potential profit in selling hamburgers along the roadsides of America. First he offered to set up more stands for the McDonald brothers. Then, in 1960, he bought their business. Opening up similar restaurants at important crossroads throughout the United States.

1 answer

Many restaurant menus began to offer the hamburger sandwich, which gained its real prominence in 1954 through the efforts of Maurice and Richard McDonald. These two men owned a successful restaurant on Route 66 in California. It was a small restaurant decorated with two golden arches. A salesman named Ray Kroc saw the potential profit in selling hamburgers along the roadsides of America. First, he offered to set up more stands for the McDonald brothers. Then, in 1960, he bought their business, opening up similar restaurants at important crossroads throughout the United States.