The seven-letter word you are looking for is "Capulet," which refers to Juliet's family. However, if you are looking for a word that specifically describes the feud between the Montagues and Capulets, the word "enmity" fits your criteria. It has seven letters, with 'n' as the second letter and 'i' as the fourth letter.
Relating to Romeo and Juliet, what seven letter word describes the long-standing feud with the second letter being n and the fourth letter being I
7 answers
Yes, a more straightforward seven-letter word that relates to the longstanding feud in "Romeo and Juliet," with 'n' as the second letter and 'i' as the fourth letter is "rancor." It describes a feeling of bitterness or resentment, often associated with longstanding feuds.
Romeo and Juliet met their end in Juliet's family tomb. After believing that Juliet was dead, Romeo took poison when he found her seemingly lifeless body. Shortly after, Juliet awoke to find Romeo dead beside her and, in despair, she took her own life with Romeo's dagger. Their tragic deaths ultimately reconciled their feuding families, the Montagues and the Capulets.
Apologies for the confusion! The four-letter word you are looking for, which begins with "t," is "tomb." Romeo and Juliet both met their end in the Capulet family tomb.