To determine whose bouquet will smell more like roses, we can look at the ratio of roses to the total number of flowers in each bouquet.
For Regan:
- Roses: 6
- Tulips: 4
- Total flowers: 6 roses + 4 tulips = 10 flowers
- Ratio of roses to total flowers: 6/10 = 0.6
For Tisha:
- Roses: 5
- Tulips: 3
- Total flowers: 5 roses + 3 tulips = 8 flowers
- Ratio of roses to total flowers: 5/8 = 0.625
Now we compare the ratios:
- Regan's ratio of roses is 0.6.
- Tisha's ratio of roses is 0.625.
Since 0.625 (Tisha's ratio) is greater than 0.6 (Regan's ratio), Tisha's bouquet will smell more like roses.
The answer is: b. Tisha's.