Reflect on your journey with Growth mindset by answering the following question:

- Describe a scenario where a negative academic situation took place,
- Explain whether you had a growth or fixed mindset and how you behaved based on your thoughts and emotions,
- Name 2 ways that you will develop a growth mindset in future. For each way, provide a practical example of how you plan to implement that strategy.

1 answer

One scenario where a negative academic situation took place was when I received a low score on a calculus exam. At that time, I had a fixed mindset and believed that my ability to excel in math was limited. I felt frustrated, defeated, and believed that I was not capable of improving my math skills.

As a result of my fixed mindset, I avoided seeking help or engaging in extra practice to improve my understanding of calculus. I simply accepted the low grade as a reflection of my inability and continued with a negative attitude towards the subject.

Moving forward, I plan to develop a growth mindset to approach academic challenges more effectively. Two ways I will do this are:

1. Embracing challenges and learning from failure: Rather than avoiding difficult subjects or situations, I will actively seek out challenging academic experiences. For example, if I find myself struggling with a particular topic, I will take the initiative to seek extra resources such as online tutorials, textbooks, or consult with my professor to gain a better understanding. By stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing challenges, I will be able to develop a growth mindset and view failures as opportunities for learning and growth.

2. Adopting a positive self-talk and mindset: I will make a conscious effort to change my negative thoughts and beliefs about my abilities. Instead of labeling myself as inherently bad at certain subjects, I will remind myself that abilities can be developed with effort and practice. I will practice positive self-talk by focusing on my progress rather than solely on the end result. For example, if I receive a mediocre grade on an assignment, I will remind myself that I have improved from previous performances and identify areas where I can continue to grow and improve.

By implementing these strategies, I aim to cultivate a growth mindset that will help me approach academic challenges with resilience, perseverance, and a belief in my ability to learn and improve.