References on economics

1 answer

1. Nakamura, E. and Steinsson, J. (2017). Fiscal Stimulus in a Monetary Union: Evidence from US Regions. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132(1), 109-160.

2. Acemoglu, D., and Robinson, J. A. (2013). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. Crown Business.

3. Smith, A. (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Published by W. Strahan, and T. Cadell.

4. Krugman, P., and Wells, R. (2012). Macroeconomics. Worth Publishers.

5. Mankiw, N. G., Romer, D., and Weil, D. N. (1992). A contribution to the empirics of economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2), Pages 407–438.