Reference for siwes report

1 answer

A Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) report typically includes several sections that detail the student's experience during their internship. While references may vary based on the specific content of your report, here’s a general guide on how to structure your references section. You should include references from various sources that support your work, such as textbooks, academic papers, articles, and websites related to your field of study.

Sample Structure for References in a SIWES Report

  1. Books

    • Author(s). (Year). Title of the Book. Edition (if applicable). Publisher.
      • Example:
        • Tanenbaum, A. S. (2016). Computer Networking. 5th ed. Pearson.
  2. Journal Articles

    • Author(s). (Year). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, Volume(Issue), page range. DOI (if available).
      • Example:
        • Smith, J., & Kumar, R. (2020). Advances in computer networking: A review. International Journal of Computer Applications, 975, 1-7.
  3. Conference Papers

    • Author(s). (Year). Title of the paper. In Proceedings of the Conference Name (page range). Publisher.
      • Example:
        • Johnson, L. (2021). Innovations in mobile technology. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology (pp. 134-140). IEEE.
  4. Websites

    • Author(s)/Organization. (Year). Title of the webpage. URL
      • Example:
        • National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2023). Guide to cybersecurity best practices.
  5. Theses/Dissertations

    • Author. (Year). Title of Thesis/Dissertation. Institution.
      • Example:
        • Lee, M. (2022). A study on software development methodologies. University of California.
  6. Standards and Reports

    • Organization. (Year). Title of the Report/Standard. Publisher.
      • Example:
        • IEEE. (2022). IEEE 802.11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. IEEE.

General Tips

  • Cite Relevant Works: Ensure that your references relate to the work you did during your internship.
  • Use a Consistent Format: Pick a citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) and stick to it throughout your report.
  • Include All Sources: Make sure to cite all references you used in your report, whether they are direct quotes, paraphrased ideas, or background information.

By following this structure, you can create a comprehensive references section for your SIWES report. Always check with your institution for specific formatting requirements they may have.