Recently a group of college graduates released plans to develop a utopian society on an island secluded in the Gulf of Mexico, just off the Florida coastline. The 5-mile wide 10-mile long, somewhat hexagon-shaped island was owned by a graduate’s grandfather, who passed it down to him upon his death. Enormous rocks surround three fourths of the island providing only one harbor that can be accessed. This allows for easy protection and close monitoring of who leaves and enters the island. With gas prices at an all time high, chaoses brewing in the government, and high crime and poverty rates, founders feel that this society is necessary for there to be any change and any hope for a promising future. The utopian society (to be later named) will strive to provide citizens with the experience of an unsurpassed quality of life.

The selection of citizens will be made through an application process. Applicants must be a college graduates, be able to pass a thorough medical and psychological exam, and have no criminal record. Diversity is required to keep the island mostly self-sufficient, so applicants from all fields are encouraged to apply. Although it is predicted that the island can accommodate approximately 1,200 citizens, plans for the actual design of the city will not be determined until after all citizens have been selected. It will then be custom built for its citizens and their needs. Due to the price of fuel, houses will be positioned near each citizen’s office. Solar panel cars and mopeds will be used when needed to venture on the outskirts of the city and will be available at the Town Hall.
Laws will be minimal and will only be created to establish order and provide a list of responsibilities for each citizen. Each citizen must maintain a clean business and home, work at least 5 hours a day Monday through Friday, and help with the upkeep of the island. A schedule of those duties will be posted once the island is in working order. Basic traffic laws will apply to the use of cars.
Because everyone will be working the same amount of time and contributing equally, money will not be necessary. Everyone will be given equal assets. When needed, those items will be replaced. If the island cannot produce a product that the island needs or collectively wants, products produced by the island will be sold in Florida and the needed or wanted items will be purchased. Wanted items must be within reasonable limits.
It will be customary that every one attend the Sunday island-wide entertainment hosted near the harbor. Religious groups will then be able to meet at a designated area along the beach and have their worship services. Afterwards, the town will unify as one, regardless of religion, and celebrate the week together.
Underwater steel barricades and former US soldiers positioned along the harbor will serve as protection for the island. In the center of the city, there will also be an impenetrable bomb shelter. If there is any threat to the city, all citizens will be evacuated from their homes to the shelter.
With every citizen’s effort, this utopian society is very possible. With less government, a population of dedicated and hardworking citizens, fewer laws, equal responsibilities, religious tolerance, and adequate protection—life on the island will become what every other country strives to be.

1 answer
Be sure to scroll down and read the Overview and Violations sections.

What if someone "goes off-track"? Will you have a police force of some kind?

What if a building burns? Will you have a fire department of some kind?

How will you handle violations of the social contract you are setting up for the utopian society?


Further ideas for customs can include holidays to be celebrated, national dress, and other items related to patriotism and the like.