Reasons Why Requiring Service Hours for High School Graduates is a Good Idea:
There are many good reasons for why requiring service-hours from every American high school student is a good idea for the future. First of all, by requiring service hours, schools can break the bubble of unreality that often surrounds students in high school. High school is so often criticized as not being directly related to the “real world”; service hours would bring students into direct contact with reality! High school students today are also accused of extreme apathy, not caring or being invested in any activities whatsoever. Requiring students to step out of their indifferent disinterest would cause students to begin to feel passionate about their world and their influence in it. Requiring service hours would also be a good move for high school’s reputation among the community. Instead of being a place where students go and hide all day, high schools would be active, vibrant contributors to the good of the community as a whole. Teachers could integrate service projects into their curriculum making the question so often heard in classrooms (“Why do we have to learn this?”) irrelevant. Right now, many high schools are filled with clubs that require service hours, so making service hours a school-wide requirement would take all these separate efforts and make them into one powerful, unified effort to improve the community. Think of how much more good work could be done!
-from "Yet Another Graduation Requirement?" by Daniel Thrash
What is the MAIN IDEA in the passage above?
All high school students are apathetic and don't particpate in any activities.
High school students need help discovering their passions.
There are many benefits in requiring high school students to complete service hours.
More students should be encouraged to step outside their comfort zones.
1 answer