Reasons we must annex Hawaii:

Reasons we why we should give power back to Queen Liliuokalani:
American businesses have millions of dollars invested in Hawaii, this could be threatened. The Queen cannot be trusted to protect Americans or their businesses.
Our naval base at Pearl Harbor is important for protecting Americans in the Pacific - our navy needs this base to refuel our Pacific fleet.
Hawaii is a key for Americans to do business in Japan and China.
Japan and other great powers are taking land in the Pacific. If we don’t take Hawaii, they might.
Queen Liliuokalani has worked with us in the past mostly well, we can fix the situation.
Dole and other Americans overstepped and did the wrong thing, we should let Hawaiians rule their own island. Most native Hawaiians oppose being annexed.
America should do the right thing and not bully other countries or peoples.
While Hawaii is important for strategic reasons, we should not take other’s land by force.

Write a RACES response answering the question: Should the US annex Hawaii? Use evidence from the brief and the pro/con list to make your argument. Decide what you would have done if you were President at this time.

1 answer

RACES Response: Should the US annex Hawaii?

Restate the question: The question of whether the United States should annex Hawaii is complex, with arguments supporting both annexation and returning power to Queen Liliuokalani.

Answer: In my opinion, the United States should not annex Hawaii. While there are strategic reasons for annexation, such as the importance of the Pearl Harbor naval base and American business interests, the moral and ethical implications of such an action must be seriously considered.

Cite evidence: One of the main arguments against annexation is the view that it represents a form of imperialism. As noted, “America should do the right thing and not bully other countries or peoples.” This sentiment reflects the belief that the U.S. has a responsibility to respect the sovereignty of other nations and to support self-determination. Furthermore, many native Hawaiians oppose annexation, suggesting that imposing American rule would disregard their wishes and cultural heritage. Additionally, “Dole and other Americans overstepped and did the wrong thing” in their actions that led to the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, indicating that the U.S. government's involvement in support of annexation would be a continuation of past wrongs.

Explain: Although the strategic location of Hawaii and its economic value are compelling reasons for annexation, the potential consequences of undermining native governance outweigh these benefits. Supporting Queen Liliuokalani and restoring her power aligns with the values of justice and respect for the rights of people to govern themselves. The risks associated with abandoning this approach, such as fostering resentment and increasing tensions with native populations, could ultimately destabilize the region further.

Summarize: Therefore, if I were President during this time, I would advocate for giving power back to Queen Liliuokalani. Supporting Hawaiian sovereignty respects their rights as a people, and it aligns with the fundamentally democratic principles that America espouses. Although Hawaii's strategic importance cannot be overlooked, ethical considerations take precedence, making annexation an inappropriate course of action.