reading informational text unit test

1. how to
2. the platypus is a mammal with many characteristics that make it unique
3. the oil industry
4. contrast
5. description
6. real
7. much like backup music
8. to show how remembering something
9. sullen
10. he caves animals out of wood
11. to inform
12. The main idea of the paragraph is that some fires and wildfires are natural, and they help the forests. In the paragraph the author states that" They clear away debris, old brush, and dying trees, leaving heartier trees better able to grow.
13. The main idea of this is how the nudibranch is unique and has many differences from other animals. In the passage, the author states that "this marine molasse boast a Variety of unique shapes and color, and live anywhere in the world's oceans, from the tropics to Antarctica".
14. My character is Mr. Krab of SpongeBob SquarePants. As you know Mr. Krab is obsessed with money and he doesn't like spending it. Like Scrooge, he will get anything if it has money in it and he won't listen to people. Like Pinocchio, Mr. Krab will lie just to not pay for something. I got 100 percent on it.