readabilty formulas can any one explain to me what i need to do to find a readaiblty formulas to this scenario:
The trip scheduled for mexico during spring break has been canceled due to the bankruptcy of the bus company. you must tell 25 of your classmates that the trip has been cancelled and that they have lost their $100 deposit.
Here are many links that have a variety of readability devices (Flesch, Fog, SMOG, etc.):,GGLG:2005-33,GGLG:en&q=readability
If you use Microsoft Word as your word processing program, you can check in there, too. Press the F1 key or click on Help, and enter readability. You'll get directions on how to calculate this.
I put your two sentences into Word and here are the results:
Words: 40
Characters: 183
Paragraphs: 1
Sentences: 2
Passive sentences: 100%
Flesch reading ease: 68.0
Flesch-Kinkaid Grade Level: 8.7
You'll need to interpret all that yourself!!