The reason the author provides to support the claim about gender roles in dating is: Strict rules about gender roles in dating create unnecessary stress for both men and women. This is evident in how the passage discusses the pressures both men and women feel due to adherence to traditional gender roles in dating, leading to stress in their potential relationships.
Read this passage from “Just Ask Him,” looking for reasons that are used to support the author’s claim about gender roles in dating.
Such strict adherence to gender roles in the dating arena can create even more stress in the potential relationship: the woman feels compelled to keep her feelings to herself, hoping that her would-be suitor will eventually indicate interest in her, while the man wishes he had the courage to ask her out, and would happily say yes if she were to ask him instead.
What reason does the author give here to support the essay’s claim?
Women naturally feel compelled to keep quiet until the man expresses his feelings.
Asking for a date is a stressful situation for both men and women.
Men should get over their needless feelings of timidity and ask women on dates.
Strict rules about gender roles in dating create unnecessary stress for both men and women.
1 answer