The weak conclusion simply states that calcium is important for healthy teeth and bones. It is a basic summary of the information provided.
The stronger conclusion goes further and emphasizes the accessibility of calcium, even for those who cannot consume dairy products. It highlights the importance of calcium for growing bodies and suggests that it is easy to obtain regardless of dietary restrictions.
The paragraph conclusion provides a more comprehensive summary of the information presented. It states that calcium is useful at all stages of life, building strong teeth and bones in children and preventing bone loss in middle age. It also emphasizes the availability of calcium in various non-dairy food sources.
Read the weak conclusion, the stronger conclusion, and the paragraph conclusion. Note the differences.
Weak conclusion: In summary, calcium is important for healthy teeth and bones.
Stronger conclusion: Not only is calcium for growing bodies that need strong teeth and bones, but it is also easy to access, even for people who cannot eat dairy products.
Paragraph conclusion: It should be evident that calcium is a useful mineral at all stages of life. It builds strong teeth and bones in children and prevents bone loss in middle age. It is not difficult to find the calcium in the foods you eat. Even if you cannot eat dairy products, you can find the calcium you need in tofu, kale, and even blackstrap molasses.
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