Read the summary paragraph on the bottom of p. 37. Identify the author’s goal in writing the paragraph. How effectively do you think the author met that goal?
The paragraph is below.
Hockenbury and Hockenbury tell us that daily hassles often cause more
stress than major problems do. According to several studies, men and
women report different kinds of daily stress and react to stress differently,
though both experience psychological and physical symptoms. Some research shows that daily hassles produce stress because their effects are
cumulative — that is, they add up over time to create major stress.
Read the summary paragraph on the bottom of p. 37. Identify the author’s goal in writing the paragraph. How effectively do you think the author met that goal?
The paragraph is below.
Hockenbury and Hockenbury tell us that daily hassles often cause more
stress than major problems do. According to several studies, men and
women report different kinds of daily stress and react to stress differently,
though both experience psychological and physical symptoms. Some research shows that daily hassles produce stress because their effects are
cumulative — that is, they add up over time to create major stress.
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Did they achieve that goal? That asks you if they managed to do what they intended.
For example, a food commercial's goal might be to make you hungry so you go out and purchase the food. They achieve that goal if you buy the food.