Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow:

Elsie is a new grade 4 teacher at Riverside Primary School. Elsie obtained her B.Ed. in Intermediate Phase qualification at the University of the Free State, where she underwent extensive training on the theory and practice of becoming an ideal teacher. From her 2nd year to her 4th year of study, Elsie attended work-integrated learning scheduled sessions. She got the opportunity to observe teachers in practice and got the opportunity to teach, under the mentorship of an experienced teacher at each of the schools where she did her work-integrated learning practical’s. Riverside Primary School is in a rural community, with its peculiar challenges, but the mandate of the school as reiterated to her by the principal, is to provide quality education despite the learners’ background and the challenges faced by the community.
In the first week of her appointment at the school, she made a few significant observations. A group of learners who use the same transportation are always late for the first period of the day. The class is loud and disorderly in the morning. The class that she has been allocated is small, has a chalkboard and the learners choose how they want to sit when they get into the classroom, the class has paired desks. The class has one teaching aid on the wall, which has numbers from 1 -100. Linda and Peter are always seated at the back of the class and are always the last to finish taking down notes from the chalkboard, or they never finish writing. The other concern is that the notes that Linda and Peter write down from the board have spelling and grammatical errors. The textbooks are also limited, thus making it impossible for each learner to have their textbook. Due to the electricity crisis around the area, the principal has installed a solar panel, to ensure that the electrical equipment at the school always operates. Elsie is not troubled by these challenges because she is confident that the institution from which she received her qualification, has trained her well.
It is impossible to teach in a classroom with a chalkboard only.

1 answer


While having only a chalkboard can present challenges in a classroom, it is not impossible to teach in such an environment. Teachers can still effectively deliver lessons, engage students, and facilitate learning using various teaching strategies, creativity, and available resources, even if they are limited.