In the Roman Republic, women enjoyed greater autonomy within the household, as they were responsible for managing domestic affairs and had considerable influence over family decisions. Unlike Greek women, who were often confined to the home and had little public agency, Roman matrons could own property and engage in financial transactions, even if limited. Additionally, Roman social customs allowed women to participate in religious rituals and public festivals, further enhancing their status and visibility in society.
Read the quote about women in Roman society.
“[T]he position of the Roman matron was quite different from that of the Greek matron in the time of Pericles. The Roman matron was mistress in her own household. As the husband took charge of all external transactions, so the wife was supreme in household arrangements.”
—James Donaldson, Woman; Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome
Based on your knowledge of the role of women in the Roman republic, provide evidence to prove the author’s claim that the position of Roman women was different from that of Greek women in three short sentences.
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