Read the poem Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, then answer the essay question below:

In Those Winter Sundays, the speaker creates a cold atmosphere, both figuratively and literally.
In an essay of 200-250 words, show how this statement is true with close reference to the speaker's tone, use of extended metaphor, and specific imagery.
[10 marks]
Planning and rough draft
Brainstorm all possible points that you could discuss and think about how you can link them to each other to make your essay flow coherently. Remember to look for examples in the poem to back up your arguments. You will submit this planning along with your final essay.
Once you have gathered all your ideas, and structured and proofread your first draft, you can write the final version of your poetry essay.

RUBRIC: Poetry Essay (10 marks)
Interpretation of topic. Depth of argument, justification and grasp of text.
-In-depth interpretation of topic
-Range of striking arguments; extensively supported from poem
-Excellent understanding of genre and poem
-Shows understanding and has interpreted topic well.
-Fairly detailed response
-Sound arguments given, but not all of them as well motivated as they could be -Understanding of genre and poem
-Fair interpretation of topic
-Some good points in support of topic
-Some arguments supported, but evidence is not always convincing
-Basic understanding of genre and poem
-Unsatisfactory interpretation of topic
-Hardly any points in support of topic -Inadequate understanding of genre and poem
-No understanding of the topic
-No reference to the poem -Learner has not come to grips with genre and poem
Structure, logical flow and presentation. Language, tone and style used in the essay.
-Coherent structure -Arguments well-structured and clearly developed -Language, tone and style mature, impressive, correct -Virtually error-free grammar, spelling and punctuation
-Clear structure and logical flow of argument -Flow of argument can be followed -Language, tone and style largely correct
-Some evidence of structure -Essay lacks a well- structured flow of logic and coherence -Language errors minor; tone and style mostly appropriate
-Structure shows faulty planning -Arguments not logically arranged -Language errors evident -Inappropriate tone and style
-Poorly structured -Serious language errors and incorrect style
● NOTE: If a candidate has ignored the content completely and written a creative essay instead, award a 0 mark for both Content and Structure and Language.

1 answer

In the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden, the speaker creates a cold atmosphere, both figuratively and literally, through his tone, use of extended metaphor, and specific imagery.

Firstly, the speaker's tone throughout the poem is one of regret and nostalgia, creating a sense of coldness in the relationship between the speaker and his father. The speaker reflects on the sacrifices his father made for him, such as "cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather", but acknowledges that he did not fully appreciate them at the time. This lack of appreciation adds a layer of emotional chill to the poem, as the speaker realizes too late the love and care his father showed him.

Secondly, Hayden employs an extended metaphor of coldness and warmth to highlight the emotional distance between the speaker and his father. The literal coldness of the winter Sundays, with the speaker waking up to a "blueblack cold" house, symbolizes the emotional coldness in their relationship. The warmth of the fire that his father would "banked" and the "austere" love he showed through his actions serve as a stark contrast to the coldness the speaker feels now when looking back on those Sundays.

Lastly, the specific imagery Hayden uses, such as the father's "cracked hands" and the speaker's "austere" upbringing, further emphasizes the cold and distant relationship between the speaker and his father. The image of the father's hands, worn out from labor, conveys the sacrifices he made for his family, while the word "austere" suggests a lack of warmth and affection in their interactions.

In conclusion, Robert Hayden effectively creates a cold atmosphere in "Those Winter Sundays" through his tone, extended metaphor of coldness and warmth, and specific imagery. The poem serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of appreciating and acknowledging the love and sacrifices of our parents before it's too late.