Read the passage. Then follow the instructions below. "From the mountain cliffs to the shallows of the sea they had piled up large boulders, and over these stacked thick logs, on top of which they positioned two rows of shields and [built] double turrets, with narrow openings through which to shoot. Warriors stood with bows strung and arrows at the ready. . . . In the shallows of the sea to the south were large boats ready to [sail] to the deeper water, where tens of thousands of ships floated, like wild geese scattered across the sky." Imagine that you are a historian and you want to learn about warfare in this period. From this passage, what could you learn about how samurai fought? Select the two that apply directly to this passage.

1 point
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Samurai used guns to fight.
Samurai fought with bows and arrows.
Samurai used ships in some of their battles.
Samurai wore heavy armor to protect themselves from arrows.

1 answer

Samurai fought with bows and arrows.
Samurai used ships in some of their battles.