1 The arch is one of the most important structural developments in the history of architecture. An arch connects two sides of an opening with a graceful curve on top. This curve can handle a great amount of weight, called “load,” without breaking.
2 Building an arch takes several steps. First, a wooden frame is made in the proper shape to support the construction of the arch. The frame is placed on the two pillars or sides of the opening. Then, the wedged stones, or voussoirs (voo-SWARS), are stacked tightly along the frame. The voussoir placed at the very top of the arch is the keystone. Once the keystone is in position, the entire arch locks into place. Even when the wooden frame is removed, the arch remains strong. Stone arches that have lasted for centuries would collapse if the keystone were removed. The keystone is the one piece that is critical to the success of the whole structure.
The article “Keystones” explains that in architecture, a keystone is “the one piece that is critical to the success of the whole structure."
How can a person be like a keystone in a family, career, or community?
Write a TWO paragraph response that explains how someone performing a specific job or role is important to the success of all. To support your ideas, use information from the article, your own examples, or both.
1 answer
In addition to the parallel with the keystone in architecture, a person can also be like a keystone by possessing unique skills and qualities that are essential to the success of all. Just like the keystone in an arch, which locks the entire structure into place, an individual with a specialized skill set can hold the key to unlocking the full potential of a family, career, or community. For example, a person who is exceptionally skilled at problem-solving and negotiation can act as a keystone in a family by resolving conflicts and maintaining harmony. In a career, someone with expertise in a specific field can act as a keystone by bringing valuable knowledge and innovative ideas to the table, pushing the organization to new heights. And in a community, an individual with strong communication and advocacy skills can act as a keystone by effectively conveying the needs and concerns of the community to stakeholders and driving positive change. With their unique capabilities, these individuals become indispensable and contribute significantly to the success and growth of the whole structure.