Read "The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet" ("The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet", from Illuminate) and then answer the question that follows. .

The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet

Sam was thrilled when his father gave him an old wallet that had belonged to his grandfather, and he was even happier when he found a crisp $20 bill tucked inside the wallet’s sleek folds. Sam’s dad raised an eyebrow and said, “How about that: I guess your grandfather left you a present.”

The next day, Sam anticipated a hectic schedule but also hoped that his best friend, Amir, would join him for pizza after school. After an algebra test, a biology lab, and his weekly clarinet lesson, Sam shuffled out of the front door of the school and found Amir waiting at the bottom of the steps. “Hey buddy,” he shouted, “want to escape this heat and grab some pizza? I’ve got a twenty dollar bill that’s burning a hole in my pocket!”

Amir looked puzzled, so Sam explained, “That just means that I received some cash for my birthday, and now I can’t wait to spend it.” As Sam reached into his back pocket, his smile quickly evolved into a frown: his pocket was empty.

Sam knelt on the sidewalk and tore through the compartments of his backpack, but his wallet was not in it. “I can’t believe that someone stole my wallet,” he growled.

“Are you absolutely sure that you carried this wallet with you today?” Amir asked timidly as he helped Sam stuff his gym clothes back into his backpack.

“Of course I’m sure,” Sam snapped. “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

“No, you are not an idiot and neither am I,” Amir replied defensively. “We'll solve this mystery of the stolen wallet so we can eat pizza where the air is cool.” Despite being amused by Amir’s words, Sam thought his friend unrealistic and knew that his wallet and his twenty dollars were gone forever.

Back in school, the boys headed to the cafeteria where the cafeteria supervisor told them that no wallet had been found. “Are you sure it was in your pocket?” she asked Sam as she stacked the clean plastic trays.

“I am one hundred percent sure,” Sam answered coldly, “but thanks anyway.”

Next, they walked to the principal’s office where the secretary explained that no wallet had been turned in. In the biology lab, Ms. Miller listened sympathetically but said that she hadn’t found a wallet anywhere. In the hallway, they spotted Mr. Wendell, the janitor, gnawing on a toothpick while he swept the floor. When Sam described his wallet, Mr. Wendell shook his head and murmured, “Sorry, son.” By the time the boys left school again, Sam was fuming, imagining that someone had literally picked his pocket.

Amir ventured, “Are you certain beyond a doubt that your wallet was in your pocket when you left your house this morning?”

Sam glared at his friend. “Amir, I said I was sure a million times.” When Sam kicked a plastic water bottle lying on the sidewalk, the rattle it made sounded like he felt: empty and victimized.

When the boys reached Sam’s house, Sam stomped up the steps to his porch without saying good-bye. “Hey,” Amir called behind him, “maybe your wallet fell out of the hole that your money burned in your pocket!” Sam’s only reply was the slam of the screen door.

Inside, Sam flung his backpack on the stairs, stormed into the kitchen, yanked the refrigerator door open, and stared inside. He really wanted a pepperoni pizza, but instead he grabbed an apple. As he bit into the crunchy fruit, something black and shiny on the counter caught his eye.

Sam felt his cheeks redden when he realized his “stolen” wallet had been in the kitchen where he left it that morning. When he looked inside, Andrew Jackson’s face stared at him with an accusatory smirk.

Sam grabbed the phone, dialed Amir’s number, and left a joyful message: “Amir, I found it, and I’ll be there in two minutes, so don’t eat anything!” Sam stuffed his wallet into his pocket and ran down the porch steps two at a time.

Question: Of the following options, which provides the best summary of "The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet"?

(1 point)

Anticipating the end of the school day to enjoy pizza with Amir, Sam's excitement diminishes when he realizes his wallet and money are missing. As he and Amir search for it, tensions rise with a disagreement about whether Sam left it at home or if Amir has stolen the wallet. Eventually, Sam chooses to extend an invitation to Amir for pizza despite the earlier dispute.
Anticipating the end of the school day to enjoy pizza with Amir, Sam's excitement diminishes when he realizes his wallet and money are missing. As he and Amir search for it, tensions rise with a disagreement about whether Sam left it at home or if Amir has stolen the wallet. Eventually, Sam chooses to extend an invitation to Amir for pizza despite the earlier dispute.

Satisfied with the funds in his recently acquired wallet, Sam invites his friend Amir to join him for pizza after school. To his dismay, when Sam reaches into his pocket, the wallet is nowhere to be found. Amir suggests the possibility that Sam left it at home, but Sam is certain that it has been stolen. Frustrated and disappointed, he is determined to locate it, with or without Amir's assistance.
Satisfied with the funds in his recently acquired wallet, Sam invites his friend Amir to join him for pizza after school. To his dismay, when Sam reaches into his pocket, the wallet is nowhere to be found. Amir suggests the possibility that Sam left it at home, but Sam is certain that it has been stolen. Frustrated and disappointed, he is determined to locate it, with or without Amir's assistance.

Sam eagerly anticipates treating himself and his friend, Amir, to pizza after school. His excitement turns to disappointment when he discovers that his wallet and money are missing. Initially upset with Amir, Sam later finds his wallet at home. Choosing to forgive Amir, Sam decides to maintain their friendship.
Sam eagerly anticipates treating himself and his friend, Amir, to pizza after school. His excitement turns to disappointment when he discovers that his wallet and money are missing. Initially upset with Amir, Sam later finds his wallet at home. Choosing to forgive Amir, Sam decides to maintain their friendship.

Thrilled to inherit his grandfather's wallet along with $20, Sam is enthusiastic about treating his friend Amir to pizza after school. However, his excitement turns to frustration and anger when he can't locate the wallet. Despite questioning others at school and expressing his irritation to Amir, Sam eventually heads home. To his relief, he discovers the wallet there and promptly calls Amir to proceed with their pizza plans.

1 answer

The best summary of "The Mystery of the Stolen Wallet" is:

Thrilled to inherit his grandfather's wallet along with $20, Sam is enthusiastic about treating his friend Amir to pizza after school. However, his excitement turns to frustration and anger when he can't locate the wallet. Despite questioning others at school and expressing his irritation to Amir, Sam eventually heads home. To his relief, he discovers the wallet there and promptly calls Amir to proceed with their pizza plans.

This option captures the key elements of the story, including Sam's initial excitement, the conflict over the missing wallet, and the eventual revelation that he had left it at home.