Read the information you have found on how to design a good questionnaire and use it to assist you with this task.

Disign a questionnaire that the business you have visited can use to get feedback from visitors on customer service and suggestions for improvement.
Your questionnaire must include:
Name and address of the business
Introduction/reason for questionnaire
Demographic questions,i.e customer details
1 open question
4 closed questions

1 answer

Title: Customer Feedback Questionnaire

Business Details:

Introduction/Reason for Questionnaire:
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your valuable feedback. We strive to improve our customer service and enhance your overall experience. Your insights will help us better understand your needs and expectations, allowing us to make necessary improvements. We appreciate your participation.

Demographic Questions:
1. Gender:
a) Male
b) Female
c) Prefer not to say

2. Age:
a) Under 18 years old
b) 18-24 years old
c) 25-34 years old
d) 35-44 years old
e) 45-54 years old
f) 55-64 years old
g) 65 years old and above

3. How often do you visit our business?
a) Daily
b) Weekly
c) Monthly
d) Occasionally
e) This was my first visit

4. How did you find out about our business?
a) Word of mouth
b) Online search
c) Social media
d) Print advertisement
e) Other (Please specify)

Open Question:
1. Please provide any additional comments or suggestions for improving our customer service:

Closed Questions:
2. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the friendliness of our staff?
a) 1 - Very unfriendly
b) 2 - Unfriendly
c) 3 - Neutral
d) 4 - Friendly
e) 5 - Very friendly

3. Did the staff promptly assist you with your needs?
a) Yes, they were quick and attentive.
b) No, there was a significant delay.
c) N/A - I did not require assistance.

4. Were our facilities clean and well-maintained?
a) Yes, they were immaculate.
b) Somewhat, there were minor cleanliness issues.
c) No, they were visibly unclean.

5. How likely are you to recommend our business to others?
a) Highly likely
b) Likely
c) Neutral
d) Unlikely
e) Highly unlikely

Thank you for providing your feedback and participating in this survey. Your responses will help us improve our services to enhance your overall experience. We greatly value your suggestions and comments. Should you have any further concerns or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us.