Read the information on the page with your student. Reinforce the ideas that there are several different processes involved with biological evolution and that natural selection is just one of those processes.

Help your student summarize the skills learned in this unit. It may be helpful to revisit each learning goal. Encourage your student to think about the strategies that were most helpful in learning the new skills. If your student needs prompting, ask about examples from the following list:
completing activities
connecting new material to previously learned material
connecting new learning to personal experience
creating models
examining photos and illustrations
reading the text
talking through the answer to a question
working independently
sharing information with others
watching a video
Guide your student to write a reflection using the sentence starters provided on the slide. If your student has trouble identifying an area of difficulty or an area where more practice is needed, refer back to earlier practice activities and scored assignments.
Example Reflection

1 answer

Throughout this unit on biological evolution, I have learned about the different processes involved in the development of species over time. I have learned that natural selection is just one of these processes, and that genetic drift, gene flow, and mutation also play important roles in evolutionary change. I have practiced completing activities, connecting new material to previously learned material, and reading the text to deepen my understanding of these concepts. One strategy that was particularly helpful for me was creating models to illustrate how each process of evolution works.

Overall, I feel confident in my understanding of the skills learned in this unit. I can summarize the main processes of biological evolution, explain how they contribute to species change over time, and identify examples of each process in action. I feel that I could use more practice in connecting new learning to my personal experience and working independently to apply these concepts in different contexts. I will continue to practice these skills to further strengthen my understanding of biological evolution.