Based on the excerpt, you can conclude that Ettor brought unity to different groups of strikers. The text emphasizes that he organized thousands of mixed, unsympathetic, and jealous nationalities into a militant body of class-conscious workers, indicating his ability to unify and lead diverse groups during the strike.
Read the following text from an essay. This excerpt is about the 1912 textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
The strike might have collapsed in a few days from lack of support and effective leadership, had not Joseph J. Ettor reached Lawrence Friday night, to assume charge of the unorganized masses. He was the magnet about whom for weeks these masses rallied, whose words were unquestioned, and whose advice was accepted without question. This man swayed the undisciplined mob as completely as any general ever controlled his disciplined troops. He boasted, "I could stop more rioting by raising my hand than the others can with their bayonets and powder." Immediately upon his arrival, he began to organize these thousands of mixed, unsympathetic, and jealous nationalities into a militant body of class-conscious workers.
Adapted from John Bruce McPherson, The Lawrence Strike of 1912
Based on this excerpt, what can you conclude about the 1912 textile strike in Lawrence, Massachusetts?
ettor inspired textile workers to start striking.
ettor convinced strikers to join the army.
Etter brought unity to different groups of strikes.
1 answer