. Read the following sentences from the text. "Due to the provisions of the Reclamation Act of 1902, more land in the United States became agricultural. This increased the need for farmworkers and drew more Mexicans across the border....World War II brought new labor shortages to the U.S., and a new temporary worker program, known as the "bracero" program. Braceros were Mexican contract laborers, typically hired for short-term, agricultural labor. At the height of this program, which lasted until 1964, approximately 437,000 Mexican workers traveled annually to the United States for jobs." What conclusion can you draw from this evidence? A. The "bracero" program allowed Mexicans to become U.S. citizens after completing their contracts. B. The Reclamation Act of 1902 made it more difficult to hire Mexicans for labor in the U.S. C. The "bracero" program was a shift in U.S.-Mexico relations because the workers were treated very well. D. The U.S. agriculture industry had a significant impact on Mexican immigration to the U.S.
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