Read the following scenario. Then, answer all questions in this assignment based on the
information contained in the scenario. If you make any assumptions when answering a question,
please state them clearly.
Scenario: Airport Customer Relations Management System
A local airport has recently upgraded its infrastructure to be able to accommodate international
flights. Airport management is expecting an influx of tourists. To ensure the all-round success of
this new endeavour, a heavy emphasis is being placed on keeping visitors to the airport as
satisfied with the airport and its amenities as possible. To aid in maintaining good customer
relations, the airport has decided to invest in the development of a new Customer Relations
Management System, which would be accessible online via kiosks strategically placed around the
airport as well as a downloadable mobile application.
The new system is envisioned to offer customers the following:
1. Information: updates on flights, airport amenities and services available at the airport;
2. Navigation capability: GPS navigation to various amenities and boarding gates;
3. Instant connection to medical and ambulatory services for any medical emergency.
You have been awarded the contract for the development of the Airport Customer Relations
Management System. At the contract signing, you heard a rumour that one of the executives is
known for being indecisive and therefore changes his mind frequently. He is also responsible for
ultimately signing the new system into operation, so as far as possible, you will need to
accommodate his changes. In the same breath, you have been told that should you deliver this
system earlier than anticipated, you will receive a sizable bonus. The one thing, though, that has
been constant in all of your communications with the various stakeholders is that due to the size
of the investment in the project, there is no room for failure, and the system has to be at the top
of its class.
Assume that the following business rules are in place:
• One passenger can request the location of one and only one amenity at a time.
• It is possible for a passenger to have multiple flights departing from the same airport and,
as such, can view multiple flight bookings.
• One passenger can experience multiple medical emergencies and, as such, can request
medical assistance multiple times.
Q.3.1 Create an Entity Relationship Diagram that will represent the business rules
presented at the beginning of the question. Include at least three attributes for
every entity. Also, indicate the primary keys for each entity.
1 answer
Passenger entity:
- Attributes: passengerID (primary key), name, bookingID
- Relationships:
- One passenger can have multiple flight bookings (one-to-many relationship with Flight entity)
- One passenger can request medical assistance multiple times (one-to-many relationship with Medical Emergency entity)
Amenity entity:
- Attributes: amenityID (primary key), name, location, type
- Relationships:
- One amenity can be requested by one and only one passenger at a time (many-to-one relationship with Passenger entity)
Medical Emergency entity:
- Attributes: emergencyID (primary key), timestamp, description
- Relationships:
- One medical emergency can be experienced by one and only one passenger at a time (many-to-one relationship with Passenger entity)