Read the following quote:
“Why, America’s the only free nation on earth. Besides! The country’s too big for a revolution. No, no! Couldn’t happen here!” - Sinclair Lewis, It Can’t Happen Here.
In the quote above, author and progressive Sinclair Lewis claims in his work, It Can’t Happen Here, that a dictator could never rise to power in the United States. Do you agree or disagree with this claim based on what you learned throughout this portfolio? Make sure to explain your thinking and connect it to what you learned in the portfolio.
Feel free to use one of these sentence starters to organize your thoughts:
1.Based on my understanding of the material covered in this portfolio, I agree/disagree with Sinclair Lewis's assertion because…
2.Sinclair Lewis is mistaken/correct because…
3.Sinclair Lewis is incorrect/correct about the possibility of a dictator in the U.S. because…
3 answers
Sinclair Lewis is mistaken in his belief that America's size would prevent a revolution from occurring. In fact, the size of the country could potentially make it more difficult for the government to maintain control in the event of widespread unrest. Additionally, the polarization of American society, the erosion of democratic institutions, and the rise of extremist ideologies all create fertile ground for an authoritarian leader to rise to power.
Therefore, based on the historical examples and current trends discussed in this portfolio, I believe that Sinclair Lewis's assertion that a dictatorship could not happen in the United States is incorrect. The threat of authoritarianism is very real and must be taken seriously in order to safeguard our democracy.