Read the following poem and answer questions that follow:
Life, death,-death, life; the words have lead for ages
Our thought and consciousness and firmly seemed
Two opposites; but now long-hidden pages
Are opened, liberating truths undreamed'
Life only is, or death is life disguised,-
Life a short death until by life we are surprised.
(i) what is the problem that the poet poses initially (150 words)
(ii) comment on the concluding couplet of the poem. (100 words)
(iii) Point out the use of paradox in the poem. (150 words)
(iv) Comment on any other poem you have read with a similar theme.
(250 words)
3 answers
No one will do your work for you, but someone here will be happy to comment on what YOU THINK.
the poet is trying to explain (by using a series of metaphors) his/her understanding of life and death - two opposite concepts. Also the poet sees the two - life and death - as interchangeable, or as actually having opposite meanings than those we normally or usually attribute them - in other words real long lasting, eternal life only begins after death, while in real life, we are actually dead and awaiting to be awakened to "life"
Hope this helps to some extent.
Hope this helps to some extent.
what is the problem that the poet poses initially (150 words)