Read the following passage and write a précis of not more than 60 words.
John is a marketing supervisor at Choppies Hyper Market. He heads a team of eight merchandisers
who have enjoyed a cordial relationship with each other. Recently one of his team members was
replaced with a new employee, Liz. In a recent meeting, John learnt that Liz does not agree with
most of the ideas floated by other members of his team. She has consistently criticized his
colleagues and their ideas. This has greatly impacted on the team, as there has been no meaningful
meeting for two weeks due to lack of interest in the group meetings. Choppies Hyper Market top
management has realized that the directions they give are not implemented well in the marketing
department and summons John to clarify why this is happening. On giving the reasons for the
team’s poor performance, the management directs John to move with speed in solving the problem
that his team faces and improve the team’s performance or risks being replaced by someone else.
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