Read the following paragraph and correct capitalization and apostrophes wherever they are incorrect or missing.

Peoples beliefs in aliens have always been fascinating to me. From alien abduction to ufos, many people are certain that Area 51, also known as Groom lake, is the place of secret Military project's, most of them involving research on a ufo that supposedly landed nearby. From our fascination with ufos have come several popular Movies and Television Shows. Of course, in all of these movies it is the Humans who always win over the Aliens, defeating the aliens attempts to take over the World or destroy it.

1 answer

People's beliefs in aliens have always been fascinating to me. From alien abduction to UFOs, many people are certain that Area 51, also known as Groom Lake, is the place of secret military projects, most of them involving research on a UFO that supposedly landed nearby. From our fascination with UFOs have come several popular movies and television shows. Of course, in all of these movies, it is the humans who always win over the aliens, defeating the aliens' attempts to take over the world or destroy it.