Read the following

Langston Hughes describes life's hardships with visuals (imagery). The text evidence stated, "Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor" paints a clear picture of a challenging and rocky journey. The use of words such as "tacks," "splinters," and "boards torn up" appeals to the sense of touch, while the mention of "places with no carpet on the floor" also gives the visual image of an unpleasant and bleak place.

In 2 sentences, Write a self reflection on the above imagery.

1 answer

The vivid imagery used by Langston Hughes in describing life's hardships resonates with me, as I too have encountered obstacles and challenges that have left me feeling like I am walking on a rough and uneven path. The idea that life is not a smooth crystal stair but instead filled with tacks, splinters, and torn boards reflects the struggles and setbacks I have faced, yet it also reminds me of my resilience and determination to keep moving forward despite the difficulties.