Read the following extract and then answer the questions below
Public Sector strike hurts the poor
Patients and school children are emerging as the biggest losers from a strike by Public Service
Workers in Botswana which is entering the sixth week. Close to 100,000 public servants
including about 1,500 considered essential workers, are staying away from their posts while
Government and Unions tussle over salaries. Medical Practitioners have disregarded warnings
by the Botswana Health Professions Council to go back to work or risk being deregisteredwith
the result that major health centres like Ngangabwe Referral Hospital in Francistown and
Princess Marina Hospital in the capital, Gaborone, are barely functioning and small clinics
have completely closed.
Maria Bogadi, 24, is expecting her second child any day and is unsure where to go when her
labour pains begins. Bogadi and her husband usually survive on small income they receive
doing casual labour at public facilities through Government initiative called “Ipelegeng” which
provide limited employment. This therefore means Bogadi cannot afford private clinic since
it’s expensive.
Winfred Rasina, an activist from the opposition Botswana Movement for Democracy, told
IRIN the poor and the marginalised had been hardest hit by the disruption of public services.
“The projects meant for the poor such as “Ipelegeng” are at a standstill because staff…are on
strike,” she told IRIN. Rasina added that that the rich and the idle classes were less affected
DIPLOMA Assignment
January-June BLR 612 –Labour- Relations
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because they were not dependent on Government hand-outs and mostly used private schools
and Doctors.
The Minister of Education closed all public schools indefinitely. When the Strike action started
on the 18th April, it was meant to last 10 days, but the Government said it could not afford
Unions’ demand for 16 percent wage increase and offered 5 percent. The figure has now been
revised to 3 percent.
The Botswana Centre for Human Rights (Ditshwanelo) released a statement noting that the
stalemate between Government Officials and Union Leaders had already led to the loss of lives
due to the absence of adequate medical staff at health facilities. The Botswana Confederation
of Coerce, Industry and manpower (BOCCIM)-(now Business Botswana-BB) said the
protracted strike had also had a negative impact on the economy, causing serious cash flow
problems for many companies that relied on Government orders for goods and services. Some
members indicated that they may close their shop within a month if the situation does not
Source: TNH
Posted: 25 May 2011
a) List the stakeholders/players mentioned in the extract above. (5 marks)
b) Define essential services and state 4 of workers regarded as essential services. (5 marks)
c) According to the case study or the extract, strike has impact in our everyday lives. Briefly
state and explain the effects of strike. (8 marks)
d) Was the 2011 Botswana Public service strike lawful and why? (2 marks)
1 answer
b) Essential services are services that are essential for the maintenance of the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Four workers regarded as essential services include medical practitioners, teachers, police officers, and firefighters.
c) Effects of the strike mentioned in the extract include:
- Lack of medical services leading to health facilities barely functioning and small clinics closing.
- Closure of public schools indefinitely impacting school children.
- Disruption of government initiatives for the poor like “Ipelegeng” affecting individuals like Maria Bogadi who rely on them for income.
- Negative impact on the economy causing cash flow problems for companies relying on Government orders for goods and services.
d) The 2011 Botswana Public service strike was likely lawful as workers have the right to strike as long as it is conducted in accordance with the law and relevant regulations governing strikes in Botswana. However, the impact of the strike on essential services like health and education may have raised questions about its legality in terms of the potential harm caused to the public.