Read the case study concerning Joelle which is on page 25 of your text. Discuss the different ethical principles which can be applied in handling this situation. Which would you use and why?

2 answers

You mean "business ethics," I believe, right?

Only you can do this assignment because only you have your text and know what is on page 25.

Once you have written up your response, please feel free to post it if you want feedback or help with proofing.
Consequences are the effects or results of what a person does. The egoism principle maintains that an ethical action is the one that has the best consequences for a person. The utility principle argues that the right thing to do in any situation is the action that produces the most good or happiness for the most people. The principle of right maintains than an action is considered more when it respects the rights of other; an action is considered immoral when it violates another’s right. The principle of duties maintains that people should do what ethically right purely because they have a moral obligation to do what is ethically right. They should do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. The principle of virtues states that ethics is based on being a good person that is on incorporating ideal character traits into one’s life (Ethnics in the work place).
Joelle needs to remain steadfast and true to her personal morals and make a sound decision to blow the whistle on her organization regardless of the consequences. This will actually show she has a strong sense of herself and has a strong moral fiber.
Honesty: A person must be honest with themselves in order to have a sense of integrity. Because Joelle knows that these chemicals are being dumped into the local landfill and could possible hurt children and the community at large, she has an obligation to tell what is going on with her company.
My personal moral perspective is based on obligation; ethical decisions are made based on responsibility and loyalty. Moral decisions are based on standards set during upbringing, in the workplace, and in society. Individuals such as me whom fit into this perspective focus on each the intent instead of results (Williams Institute for Ethics and Management, 2003). Important principals for this perspective include: respect, human dignity, and individual freedom. This perspective stresses the importance of treating everyone like a human being instead of a means to accomplish a given task. This perspective wants the best for every individual; we do not consider society as a whole because we are sensitive to those who do not receive equal treatment. We value personal freedom, as long as people make legal and safe decisions, people should feel entitled to make any decision they want. We believe it is irresponsible to make decisions that are impulsive; it is more responsible to take a responsible amount of time to make clear and ethical decisions (The Williams Institute of Ethics and Management, 2003). Freedom of expression and growth is valued more than end results. If people do not grow from decisions they make, they are likely to make unethical decisions in the future. People fitting in this category are true team players, if they do not agree with a decision in the end they do what is best for the company.


At my current place of employment, I am very likely to face ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. Within an organizational setting, many people may not see things from my point of view. Typically in an organizational setting, decisions are made not in the best interest of everyone. When I feel strong about poor ethical decisions, I make it my priority to follow policies in spite of what others are likely to say. Many of the people who I am not likely to agree with actually are not acting in their own best interest (Williams Institute of Ethics and Management, 2003). Typically, these are the people thinking of the organization rather than themselves as individuals. Although I may follow policy, it does not guarantee that my decision is the popular one. Unfortunately, defending my ethical perspective can lead to economic hardship, lost promotion or termination. In the end, standing up for what I believe in is the most important thing; if the result is negative it was not a good a good placement.
