1. Underground Railroad
A. Secret network of safe houses and routes used by enslaved African Americans to escape to freedom in the North
B. Men and women who helped
1. Harriet Tubman
2. Levi Coffin
C. Stations - safe houses where escaped slaves could find food, shelter, and assistance on their journey
D. Conductors - individuals who guided and escorted escaped slaves to the next station on the Underground Railroad
2. Slave catchers and danger
A. Property Issue - Escaped slaves were considered property by their owners, who would go to great lengths to recapture them
B. Armed and with the law on their side - Slave catchers were often armed and backed by the legal system in capturing and returning escaped slaves
C. Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 - This law allowed for the capture and return of escaped slaves even in free states, increasing the danger for those seeking to escape to freedom.
Read the article called The Underground Railroad on page 4 of 11. Then, fill on the missing information on the outline below. Use the Sample Answer on page 4 of 11.
1. Underground Railroad
B. Men and women who helped
1. Harriet Tubman
C. Stations
2. Slave catchers and danger
A. Property Issue
B. Armed and with the law on
1 answer