Quote: "Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith forever." (Page 34)
This quote made me think about the immense impact that witnessing such horrendous atrocities can have on a person's beliefs and faith. The flames Wiesel refers to not only represent the physical fire he sees in the crematorium, but also the destruction of his religious faith. It highlights the transformative effect that the Holocaust had on him, as he questions the existence of a benevolent God who could allow such suffering.
Survivor Video Comparison: One survivor video that stood out to me was that of Eva Kor, a survivor of the Auschwitz concentration camp. While both Wiesel and Kor endured the horrors of the Holocaust, their experiences differ in significant ways. Wiesel's faith is shattered by the atrocities he witnesses, whereas Kor's video emphasizes her forgiveness and promotion of peace. Despite the unimaginable pain she endured, Kor chooses to forgive her captors and seek healing for herself and others. This stark contrast in their responses to trauma highlights the wide range of ways in which survivors cope with their experiences and process their emotions.
Read Pages 48-71 in the Night PDF
Respond to a quote or event that made you think while you were reading. This is a free response question. You may respond to anything that you read in about 3-5 sentences. Make sure to include your quote and page numbers in your response.
Respond to one of the Survivor Videos by comparing and contrasting the survivor’s experience to that of Wiesel. (3-5 sentences).
1 answer