Read each sentence. Identify the comma error and put Add or Omit on the line to show how to correct the sentence. Then put the word in () before the error
That shiny sleek car is new
shiny add
Courtney brought a delicious ham turkey, and beef sandwiches
ham add
We bumped along on the rough pitted road
rough add
Four, sturdy chairs came today
four omit. no comma
We looked out into the still black night.
still add
Sadie loves fresh, ripe, watermelon.
ripe omit. no comma after ripe
5 answers
All are correct.
A murky cold lake is not the place to swim
murky add
Mom asked me to buy a fresh cut-up chicken.
fresh add
It took Dad only ten, quick minutes to put up the shelf.
ten omit. no comma after ten
The gloomy overcast sky is threatening rain.
gloomy add
murky add
Mom asked me to buy a fresh cut-up chicken.
fresh add
It took Dad only ten, quick minutes to put up the shelf.
ten omit. no comma after ten
The gloomy overcast sky is threatening rain.
gloomy add
Thank you
You're welcome.