Read each sentence. Add quotation marks for each title.

I am playing Anitra's Dance from "Peer Gynt" at the recital

I liked the song "Fireflies" and want to hear it again

That magazine article you asked about is "How to Build a Bird Feeder"

The assignment is to read the poem "door Number Four"

Have you read the story "The Southpaw yet?"

7 answers

Add correct end punctuation and re-post.
I am playing Anitra's Dance from "Peer Gynt" at the recital.

I liked the song "Fireflies" and want to hear it again.

That magazine article you asked about is "How to Build a Bird Feeder"

The assignment is to read the poem "Door Number Four."

Have you read the story "The Southpaw yet?"
I am playing Anitra's Dance from "Peer Gynt" at the recital. OK

I liked the song "Fireflies" and want to hear it again. OK

That magazine article you asked about is "How to Build a Bird Feeder" ??

The assignment is to read the poem "Door Number Four." OK

Have you read the story "The Southpaw yet?" Where does the title end?
"The Southpaw" yet?

Now, what will you do about the 3rd one?
That magazine article you asked about his "How to Build a Bird Feeder."
is ... not his ... but the end punctuation is now correct.