Read each quotation from Barrio Boy and the statement below it. Which statement is a correct inference based on the quotation?
You never knew when a compadre or comadre, of your aunt, or your uncle, or your father, or your mother was watching.
Ernesto's childhood was tense at times.
People talked to one another on the street in low tones; only drunks and mustachios mal educados raised their voices, or the arrieros when they shouted to their donkeys.
Ernesto's family owned a donkey.
Our train was still there, the flats and boxcars and coaches deserted, Mexican and American soldiers walking back and forth.
Ernesto felt safe at the train station.
We stayed only one day at the hotel, long enough for me to become acquainted with the bathtub in another closet next to the toilet.
Ernesto normally takes a bath every day.