Read each definition and write the appropriate word or expression in the space provided.

1. C'est un plat typiquement français. On les prépare avec du beurre et de l'ail. Ce sont un escargot . (incorrect)

4.On les utilise pour faire des omelettes. Ce sont des oeufs.

6. On l'utilise comme condiment. C'est petit et blanc. C'est le sel.

The answers provided above are my own but I do require with the three questions I have listed above as for 2 of the questions I have outright wrong but for one (# 4) I have correct yet it marks it wrong.

1 answer

Don't know if you have read Ms Sue's and my comments, but here's the link:

Is the exercise corrected by hand or a computer? With a computer, you need to do exactly what it expects.
I don't understand how it/he/she marks #4 wrong when it's considered correct.

With #1, there is still an error of agreement in number.

With #6, because we don't count the number of grains of salt, (as in milk, sugar, etc), we say "du sel", instead of "le sel".