The ABCD model of instructional objectives consists of four components: Audience, Behavior, Condition, and Degree. Here are specific objectives created from the general objective of reading and writing time, and understanding the relationships between units of time:
Objective 1:
- Audience: Students in a 3rd-grade classroom
- Behavior: Will accurately read and interpret time displayed on analog and digital clocks
- Condition: Given a set of 10 different clocks (5 analog and 5 digital)
- Degree: With 90% accuracy, within a 15-minute time frame
Objective 2:
- Audience: 4th-grade students
- Behavior: Will convert units of time between hours, minutes, and seconds
- Condition: Given a worksheet with 15 conversion problems
- Degree: Achieve at least 80% correct answers
Objective 3:
- Audience: 5th-grade students
- Behavior: Will calculate elapsed time between two given times
- Condition: In pairs, using a scenario card that provides start and end times of an event
- Degree: Successfully determine the elapsed time in 4 out of 5 scenarios
Objective 4:
- Audience: Students in a 2nd-grade classroom
- Behavior: Will write the time in both standard and written format (e.g., 3:45 or "three forty-five")
- Condition: Given a set of 5 different times to convert
- Degree: With 100% accuracy in a 10-minute activity
Objective 5:
- Audience: Middle school students
- Behavior: Will explain the relationships between different units of time (e.g., how many seconds are in a minute, minutes in an hour, etc.)
- Condition: During a group discussion
- Degree: Contribute at least 3 correct statements or relationships
These objectives are tailored to specific audiences and use measurable behaviors, ensuring clarity for assessment.