Simplified Reactions:
Reaction 1: Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid
- Type of Reaction: Chemical
- Reason: New substances are formed (hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride).
Reaction 2: Vinegar and Baking Soda
- Type of Reaction: Chemical
- Reason: Gas bubbles (carbon dioxide) are produced, indicating a new substance is created.
Reaction 3: Silver Nitrate and Sodium Chloride
- Type of Reaction: Chemical
- Reason: A solid (silver chloride) precipitate forms, indicating a chemical change.
IF-THEN Hypothesis Statement for Reaction 1 (Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid):
IF magnesium metal is combined with hydrochloric acid, THEN a chemical reaction will occur, resulting in the production of hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride, which can be observed through the formation of bubbles and heat release.