I have no idea since I don't have the solubility tables of all the salts versus temperature memorized. I don't know many who do. Surely you have tables in your text or in your notes that gives you that information.
If the solubility is < in the problem the solution is supersaturated.
If the solubility is the same as in the problem the soln is saturated.
If the solubility is > in the problem the soln is unsaturated.
rate the following solutions as unsaturated, saturated, or supersaturated
a) 2020g/L of KNO3 at 85 degree
b) 185g/L of NaCl at 50 degree
c) 500g/L of KCl at 75 degree
d) 900g/L of NaNO3 at 55 degree
1 answer