*Random student locker searches without permission

*Student safety on field trips

Explain the responsibilities you have as a teacher in the issue you
chose. What are the students' rights? Do you have a responsibility to limit their rights?Identify the rights and
responsibilities you will have as a teacher. How will your responsibilities as a teacher
influence the rights of your students? Is it fair to infringe on students' rights for the sake of
the learning environment? Why or why not? Describe your own personal experience
where a teacher's responsibilities limited the students' rights. How were you involved?
Then describe a situation in which the students’ rights might override a teacher's
responsibility to maintain a safe learning environment.

which do you think will be easier to find information on and easier to find the answers?

1 answer

From what I remember, lockers are the property of the school district so actually students don't have any privacy rights connected with them. School personnel (usually administrators and/or security folks, not teachers) can open any locker on campus, with or without law enforcement presence. School personnel don't usually abuse this right of theirs, though. I think they see opening a student's locker (or several students' lockers) as a last resort.

All this is from memory, though, but I think it'd be a pretty good topic -- interesting to research.