Ramsey Mitchell is almost fourteen. He is already six feet tall and is the best shooter on the basketball team. He kicks a football farther than
anyone in junior high and runs the 50-yard dash in 6 seconds flat. In last week's soccer game, Ramsey scored the winning goal with 3 seconds left
on the clock. Everyone loves Ramsey. He opens doors for people and says, "Please" and "Thank you." He's what his parents call a "well-rounded"
young man. From Ramsey's teachers, we learn that he is intelligent and enjoys a variety of subjects. Besides sports, Ramsey loves science, music,
and literature. He's also a problem-solver. His sister Abby says he has a plan for everything. No matter what goes wrong, Ramsey can almost always
come up with a solution.
How does the author establish the point of view of the passage's narrator?
1. The author develops the first-person point of view by introducing Ramsey describing himself.
2. The author uses a second-person point of view by writing a dialogue between Ramsey and his teachers.
3. The author establishes the third-person limited point of view by only using the comments of Ramsey's family.
4. The author presents an all-knowing, third-person point of view by providing character details and opinions from multiple people.
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