Raising livestock and burning trash are examples of two human activities that impact water resources in a paragraph construct an argument, explaining how one of these activities impacts water resources, and how the effects of water resources impact human activities, support your answers with evidence and reasoning
1 answer
Raising livestock is an activity that can have a significant impact on water resources. Livestock farming requires large amounts of water for drinking, cleaning, and irrigation of crops used for feed. In addition, the waste produced by livestock can contaminate water sources with pollutants such as antibiotics, hormones, and pathogens. This contamination can lead to waterborne diseases in humans and wildlife, as well as harm aquatic ecosystems. In turn, the degradation of water resources can have negative impacts on human activities such as agriculture, fishing, and recreational activities. Contaminated water can harm crops, endanger fish populations, and make bodies of water unsuitable for swimming or boating. It is crucial for farmers to implement sustainable practices to minimize their impact on water resources and protect the health of both people and the environment.