A teacher asked Paul
what he would remember
from third grade, and he sat
a long time before writing
"this year somebody tutched me
on the sholder"
and turned his paper in.
Later she showed it to me
as an example of her wasted life.
The words he wrote were large
as houses in a landscape.
He wanted to go inside them
and live, he could fill in
the windows of "o" and "d"
and be safe while outside
birds building nests in drainpipes
knew nothing of the coming rain.
-- Naomi Shihab Nye
I'm taking a college English class and we have a research assignment this semester. My research paper is to be a new historicist piece over "Rain" by Naomi Shihab Nye. Some of the topics I've been researching so far are child abuse, [parental] touch deprivation, and child neglect. I feel I'm getting more and more lost as time goes on and would be extremely grateful for any sort of assistance of any kind (annotations, topic recommendations, ect) any of you may offer.
1 answer
Try focusing your research more closely, and you won't find yourself becoming so lost.
Let us know what you think.