Rah! Rah! Bah!
Bah humbug!How excited I was, it was time for my class to got to the assembly. The announcements went on and asked for all the home economic classes to come down to the assembly. Well I was in my home economics class-sewing and so I just wandered down the hallway with all my classmates. I tried to pass them and get in front. I had actually promised my B.F that I’d wait for her. I couldn’t actually wait for her because I knew that it would take her a while for her to come downstairs because her class was upstairs. So I decided to search for a good spot to sit at and been seen in a flash by her. I sat by my other friends at the very top and waited for her arrival. There she was trying to look for me around in the gym. I tried to stand up and holler her name, but it was too late, she had already run back outside to go and look for me. I was like all frustrated. I prayed for her to not become mad at me for not waiting for her. She finally came back and saw me after a few moments. She didn’t want to sit in the spot that I was sitting in, so I told her that we could move down. We moved down and sat at a pretty good spot; I mean I could everything fine from up there. She didn’t find that spot too comfortable and told me to go to the other side to search for a better spot. Everyone was sitting down, the assembly was almost about to start. I said No, and said that this spot isn’t so bad. She said Fine and we sat there. So as the assembly started, my ears and eyes were pointing to the stage; all my focus was towards the speaker. As I got to know that the assembly was about the B.C Lions, I was kind of down in the dumps. I didn’t actually know what the assembly would be about. I had heard that it was something related with hockey. So I referred that back with the Olympic Games, and thought that maybe they would show us a clip about ice hockey for Canada. After seeing the B.C Lions on stage, yeah I was depressed. In general I really dislike sports, I mean I don’t find them adventurous or anything of that sort, I find them really boring. I know that sports are good for exercise, but everyone should do their daily exercise artificially. So I sat there, trying to listen to them as much as I could, but really the B.C lions had come to cheer on all the athletic players, to give them support, and advice; I wasn’t one of them. Slowly, slowly I just withered away in my imagination. Even though, I should have been paying attention, I couldn’t control myself. I started daydreaming about going home and just imagining about the weekend to come. I was tired as well. My friend woke me up a couple of times, and I was back in reality. The B.C lions were calling up people on stage to play opposing games. They did play and have fun, but I was deadly fed up. I tried to wither away this time, but it was just too hard to. I spaced out a couple of times. I also saw some people getting called onto the stage to dance. They all danced for around 2 min each, and they were all pretty good. I totally spaced out after that, and that is all I remember about this assembly. Just at the end, the principal made an announcement, I didn’t hear it the first time, but I heard it the second time. He decided to extend our lunch hour. Everyone was so happy, and so was I. Please don’t get a negative view of me by reading this. I don’t pay attention to any sport stuff, anything other than that, I do. It’s not that I’m not active all day; I do daily exercise as well. I walk to and from school –which is 20 min away, and I take care of my health/diet by eating the correct type of food. I just don’t like sports logically, I am not that good at playing them either. The only sport I like is badminton, anyways This was my day at the assembly.
i want ending sentence to be interesting and it aint can i have some help with that and can you revise this.
1 answer
1) What is this supposed to be? A self-description? A story?
2) Have you proofed it yourself? It is full of terrible grammatical errors, sentences don't flow, and the entire flow of the "article" is somewhat random?
3) Did you use an outline? (answer: No)
4) Do you have something you want to say, or points to get make?
5) Did you have any plan for this writing when you started, ie, did you intend it to start somewhere and end with a point? (Answer: not apparent).
Here is what I suggest. Proof this yourself. See if it says what you want it to say. If it does not, change it.