Radar data are used by scientists on computers for generating wind, wind shear, storm intensity, and hazardous weather information. Whenever you view a radar image it is most likely a reflectivity image. They paint a picture of the weather from the energy reflected back to the radar. The dBZ values you seen the map key approximate rainfall rates measured in inches/hour. As you move up the color scale, the higher you go, the more rain that is falling. <15 dBZ means no rain is falling.

Which Doppler radar weather map shows the most severe rain storms?
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1 answer

Based on the description provided, the Doppler radar weather map that shows the most severe rain storms would be the one with the highest dBZ values and the deepest colors representing heavy rainfall. Without seeing the actual radar images of A, B, C, and D, it is not possible to determine which specific map shows the most severe rain storms. It would be best to compare the dBZ values and colors on each map to determine which one indicates the most severe rain storms.