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Unit 7 Text Analysis
Step 1
- Introduction
- Body Point 1
- Body Point 2
- Body Point 3
- Conclusion
Step 2 “The snowy screen taunts the viewer.”- you know that swishing sound when the cable or satellite goes out. Are we as a society becoming too addicted to television? This pervasive addiction to television can have negative impacts on our lives and our enjoyment of life itself. There is no such thing as a perfect body.
Step 3 Therefore, it is extremely important that you consider adopting a shelter pet. Not only will you save a life and reduce the business for puppy mills, but you will also add a new member to your family.
Step 4 There is no such thing as a perfect body.
Step 5 Bold first word in every sentence. It should look like the sample. No two sentences in the same paragraph should start with the same word. All sentences should start with a capital letter. While you are looking at your sentences, look how long they are. Do you have more shorter sentences, more longer sentences, or have you reached the goal of having a mix of both?
Step 6 In purple font show me your 3 points of argument.
- Television fosters unrealistic beauty standards.
- Television promotes sedentary lifestyles.
- Television can diminish real-life social interactions.
Step 7 In pink font, show me your proof to support your argument.
- Television fosters unrealistic beauty standards. Media often depict barely attainable standards of beauty that can lead individuals to feel inadequate. Many shows highlight only the most conventionally attractive individuals, which skews viewers' perceptions of themselves.
- Television promotes sedentary lifestyles. Extended hours spent viewing programs often leads to inactivity. Studies have shown a correlation between increased television viewing and lower levels of physical activity.
- Television can diminish real-life social interactions. Excessive television watching takes time away from face-to-face interactions with friends and family. Prioritizing screen time over personal connections can lead to social isolation.
Step 8 In brown font, show me your evidence from the article.
- In the essay, the author writes, “...perfect body images in advertising lead to body dissatisfaction among viewers.” This statement emphasizes how pervasive media messages affect self-image negatively.
- The author states, “People who watch more television tend to report lower activity levels.” This supports my point that television promotes a sedentary lifestyle, confirming the negative health implications.
- According to the article, “Consuming media content often comes at the expense of personal relationships.” This highlights how time spent in front of a screen takes away from vital social connections, reinforcing my argument about social interaction.
Step 9 Review paper for a lot, just, very, really, get, got, gotten, put, puts, has, have, had, good, bad, mad, angry, sad, happy, awesome, thing, stuff. Eliminate them. Replace them with better words. In MS Word, do ctrl F and add each word.
Step 10 Run your paper through Check My Work. Paste the URL that you are given to the top of your paper above your title.
Step 11 Make sure your file name is First Name Last Name u7.
Bibliography Bozzone, Donna. “Perfectly Imperfect: When Variation is the Key to Success.” Muse. Cricket. September 2020.